Friday, October 28, 2011

Call to Prayer

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Mission: Bring to the Lamb who was slain the reward of His suffering

Prayer is much appreciated :)
Going out again tonight to share the love of Jesus, can we get some prayer warriors up in here?

Please pray:
For open hearts to receive the love of Christ
For divine appointments
Against spiritual heaviness of the area
Against distractions and/or spiritual attacks against the team and people we'll be hanging with
For wisdom and discernment for the team

Thank you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your prayers, the night turned out really well!

    Almost everyone on our team got the chance to pray for someone on the strip, and several had the opportunity to share the gospel.

    Our method Friday night was to carry a cross back and forth on the strip as a conversation starter, and to talk to people as they commented on it.

    At first most reactions were of mockery, but increasingly and unexpectedly, people started to yell things like, "Yeah God!" and "I love Jesus!" It was different, but so good.

    A couple of students were even invited to share their testimonies on a rapper's microphone!

    So thank you so much for your prayers!
