Wednesday, October 26, 2011

People Get Ready

 So basically, I just copied this from my last email update. If you were directed here by way of said update, you may want to skip this entry. Carry on.

Well friends, the final week is soon approaching. Gathering outreach clothes, praying for the last funds for plane tickets, saying our goodbyes to our local outreaches, and organizing our final details have made the surreality of the outreach become more of a reality.

Before we go on international outreach though, we are taking the school on a tour around California to speak at churches and universities about human trafficking. They'll be covering what can be done about it, what they're doing about it, and what God has been doing in their lives through the Abolitionist DTS.

If you'd like to hear about the school through the eyes of some of our students, you can check out their blogs- I've put the links at the bottom of this email.

Details about international outreach:
Leaving November 21
Mumbai for 12 days working with women and children in the red light district
Kathmandu for 36 days working with street kids, girls rescued from the sex trade, slum school, and small villages
Returning early January (I don't have the dates on me at the moment)

If you could please pray for safety, health, discernment, and wisdom for all of us during these next couple months, that would be very much appreciated.

The Lovely and Powerful India + Nepal Team! Left to right: Abbey, Me, Katie, Jake, Stacy, Meredith, Marissa, Joe, Arielle, Joshua // Stacy and Joshua- School directors // Marissa and I- Staff // Abbey, Katie, Jake, Meredith, Joe, and Arielle- World changers (aka students)

Personal prayer points:
$1200 before this Friday to hold a plane ticket
The remaining $1500 for the trip before November 14th
Healing for back pain, skin issues, and protection against any other distractions that would keep me from focusing on God

Thank you all so very much! Have a wonderful remainder of your week.

May God be your strength and your victory, Gabrielle Nicole

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