Monday, November 14, 2011


I have a lot of really cool things that God has done in the past week that I could write about, but these couple little things have significantly increased my faith in God and the power of prayer. It's when He takes care of the little details that I am again taken aback by Jehovah-Jireh. He is so constant, so consistent yet mysterious, so... thorough. I don't know why I still have doubts that He hears and provides.

While taking a moment to pray and write before our presentation at Mariner's Church in Irvine, I couldn't help but be worried and frustrated over the van door and my pen. I had jammed both and couldn't fix them. Really not wanting to cause everyone to have to get in through the front doors, I prayed that God would fix the van door. While I was at it, I prayed for my pen because it was frustrating me. As soon as I prayed, I clicked my pen closed and that was that. A few minutes later, one of the girls came back from retrieving something from the van, and said the door was perfectly fine! So there are two little details that God took care of right then and there. Might sound silly, but I was touched that He would hear such a small request! How could I ever have even thought He wouldn't?

This morning I was getting my things together to go to the bank, when my keys went missing! I put them in my pocket, sat down to look up the closest bank, went into the lounge to show Joe a picture of a hamster, and then my keys were gone. I was looking for them for half an hour, had prayed a couple times for God to help me find them, and still no keys. I texted my friend Kenny and asked him to pray, and before I even got his reply, Jake brought me my keys. Cool right? I was still pretty frustrated, but the prayer of a friend got my keys back. Way cool. Still a minor detail depending on how you look at it, but God certainly cares enough about car keys!

I know He answers prayer because I prayed for the rain to flood the streets over the sidewalks and it did! I prayed for a little sister and God gave me two! Kenny and I prayed that his flight would be changed to Monday, and guess what day it got delayed to?

Matthew 18:19
Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.

God cares! So I'm asking you, will you agree with me for outreach funds? If God is asking you to support me in this, will you follow through?

Thank you SO much for your prayers, keep up the good work!

$2315 to go!

Nothing He can't or won't handle.

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