Friday, November 18, 2011

3 o' Clock Miracle

Reminded now of the times when God changed the weather with the release of a prayer.

I'm sitting on my roommate's bed, still somewhat in shock. Busyness all around the building, Florence singing love songs on the other side of the wall, airplanes flying low over the base. I can't move but I can't stay still! The dried tears on my face joyfully praise God and repent of the doubt that previously lingered in my heart. I tried not to doubt the promises that God had already spoken to me, time passes but His word remains solid.

When praying with a friend for provision to staff the Abolitionist DTS, He made His promise clear enough for me to be sure that it was His word and not my fickle heart. She and I both got gold dust on our hands, and my worry was gone. I thank God so much now for that neon sign, because otherwise I wouldn't be sure that I actually heard His voice calling me here.

I knew I WANTED to go to India and Nepal for outreach, but I wanted to seek God's will for the end of the school. India/Nepal? Thailand? Las Vegas? I'd prayed a bit but still hadn't heard His voice. One Wednesday morning during worship, my spirit cried out to hear God's heartbeat and for my heart to beat in sync with His. On the way to my room a couple days later, I randomly laid my ear over India on the giant map, and I heard a heartbeat! Not audibly, but I knew it wasn't my imagination. India and Nepal it was.

I have been unnecessarily been worried about finances this month, because I could not raise the funds on my own, nor did I hear God telling me a specific way to raise the money. I knew God had promised the money and called me to go on outreach, so this week I've had much more of a peace about it, but have been quite impatient for God to provide the funds. Yesterday I decided I would still pack and ride with the India team to the airport just in case God sent the money at the extreme last minute, because I knew it was coming one way or another. Still, I was prepared to stay in Vegas if that should be the case.

At 3 o'clock, the absolute deadline, someone donated all the money needed to pay for everyone's outreaches who hadn't had the money! I have no clue who it was, and the base director won't tell, but to everyone who prayed, and if the sponsor is reading this right now, thank you. Thanks so much for being obedient to God's call for you to be a blessing and for releasing God's promises!





So now, I guess I could ask for more prayer, as we all need it!

-For my family
-For team unity
-For all of us to hear God's voice clearly
-For strong discernment

If you have anything that I can pray for for you, please email me! BUT, please don't use the words pray, God, Jesus, or anything like that. Ask me to ask dad for something and proofread for any Christian/religious words. Don't want to get in trouble with the government!

Thanks :)

God is my strength and is the victory of His people.

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