Sunday, January 8, 2012

Crocodile Dreams

Last night (Jan 7-8) I had quite the vivid dream.

I wouldn't go so far as to call it prophetic, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day. In fact I would say that it was more of a reflective sort of dream, even though to even say that one would need to be quite creative.

I even miss my babies that I adopted in my dream. They were so real! I have no clue what else to say about this dream. It was strange and vivid, not entirely pleasant, but I want my babies from the dream back. So weird.

I was on a mission trip in Nepal with Joshua and Stacy, and we were driving somewhere in their new red convertible. Nepal at this point looked exactly like suburban America. There were extensive instructions on how to merge onto the freeway painted on the road of the onramp. Joshua got distracted reading the instructions and didn't notice the car right in front of him stopping suddenly. We rear ended the other car, and there was a big explosion that turned the cars to shrapnel and the road to rubble. 

We were all ok, but there was blood oozing into the mud from under Joshua's legs. He got up and was fine, but there was a badly mangled and obviously dead young Korean girl sinking in the mud. I got out of the car to help her, but the piece of road (which was about the size of my actual car) I was standing on fell away from the rest of the road. I fell down the hill, and the piece of road flattened me like roadkill. When Joshua and Stacy asked if I was alright, I said I was and came back up to help. 

I pulled the Korean girl out along with her parents, and the parents were unconscious but alive. I yelled for Meredith to come pray for them, but she wasn't around so the three of us prayed. The parents woke up, but it took a little longer to bring the girl to life. She came to life though, and we all went our separate ways.

Later while in a village-y sort of place, there was a strange supernatural disaster that killed all but 46 of adults who lived in Nepal (there were people being lifted into and dropped from the sky.. It was just plain weird). There were thousands of kids still alive though. I found two Nepali boys, a Nepali girl and an American girl who needed a home, so I asked them if they wanted me to be their mother. They all said yes, but the American girl had an abusive older brother who was very angry about it. He called her across the river and she went to him, but when he started yanking her around I told the other children to stay put while I swam across to fetch her. I had a hard time getting her back across, but we made it. 

When I got back, I just looked intently into the eyes of my new babies, not wanting to mix up their names or forget what they looked like... Also cherishing this moment when I first became a mother. The boys were about the same age, maybe 6 or 7. One was slightly darker and heavier, and he had his right eye injured in the disaster. His hair was meant to be short, but it was getting kind of shaggy. The other boy wasn't light, but lighter than the first. His hair was the same, but the opposite eye was injured and he was slightly leaner than the other. The Nepali girl was about 8, she was very dark and had corn rows in her shoulder blade length hair. She never stopped smiling, and had genuine joy just bubbling out all the time. The American girl was extremely small, as if undernourished. She was about 5, but was the height of a 2 1/2 year old,  and even smaller around. She had short, thin, straight, blonde hair that was held up with two pigtails.

Soon after there was a program put in place by foreign missionaries for the Nepali children. Families would move to Nepal and take in about 4-5 children and raise them as their own, and as responsible Nepali citizens, but with a foundation in truth about the one true God. 

There was a summer camp sort of thing going on, and so I took all my babies to stay at a cabin with me there. When we arrived, my sister was there! She was staying with my mom and a different family in another cabin, but she spent most of her time with me. She brought all of her clothes and luggage over to my cabin as well. She was somewhat excited to be an aunt, but was sad that I didn't have as much time to hang out with her. She would skip camp activities to just chill at my cabin while my kids were at the activities. We Skyped Dad on my iPod, and got frozen yogurt, etc etc, but she got in trouble one day and my mom was angry at me for taking her away, so she had to go back to her own cabin.  

The night she left, she left her stuff at my cabin, and tried to leave out the back door. I had a bad feeling about that door, so I told her to go the front way so I could watch and make sure she was safe. She was embarrassed but did it anyway. Up her steps she fell over and was even more embarrassed, but I waved to her goodnight, and she smiled and waved as well. I looked out the back door to see what was out there, and the back door was a very insecure door held by plastic rope and chains behind my dresser. When I looked out, it was a straight drop into the river! Just at the time when I was looking out, I saw a crocodile swim past. Even though I had embarrassed my sister, I was glad she was safe.

Seeing the condition of the back door worried me, so I tried to close it a little more securely. I went around closing all the doors and locking them, but eventually found that an entire wall was missing! I moved my babies into a room that was "secure", grabbed my camera and iPod, and slept in there for the night. I laid awake for hours that night, praying for my sister and my babies. I finally fell asleep, and that's when I woke up.


Weird right? I know I haven't posted much of anything about the actual trip, but this just felt so important. I guess dreams are just strange like that.

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