Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Conspiracy to Immobilize

Have you ever simply cuddled up to a warm kitty and burrowed your face in her big fluffy belly? Maybe that's a little unsanitary, but I don't really care.

Or have you ever sat in bed with a journal and a cup of tea, but nothing to write?

When was the last time that your primary obligation was to do nothing at all?

It has been much too long for me.

Before returning to Vegas, God was speaking to me about rest. Resting in Him as well as just resting in general. I knew He was telling me to take it easy, to not load my plate with a hundred different things to do every week, and I planned on doing exactly that... not much. As soon as I arrived though, the calendar was whipped out and the reminders were set. I told myself that I could rest between errands and appointments, but I knew I was only trying to fool myself.

But God drew me still nearer.

As soon as I moved home from the YWAM base, I was hit by a bug. It wasn't too bad, so I tried to pretend that it was not there so it wouldn't slow me down, but then my car went into cahoots with my immune system and decided not to work anymore. So Cornelius (my car) has been at the shop all week, and I have been trying to get along without it. After devising transportation plans for the rest of the week, my body decided not to let me leave the house either! At first I was frustrated, until I laid down to REST. Then it really clicked inside of me that I was ACTUALLY supposed to be resting! Not theoretically or planning to sometime in the future, really resting, right now.

Today I sat on my dad's bed as he worked and I studied and sipped on green tea. It was paradisiacal. I don't remember the last time I melted into a mattress and just... was.

Tomorrow I look forward to some awesomely restful time with God. And kitty cuddling. Can't leave out the kitties.

Hopefully since I've learned my lesson my car will be functional now. Eh God?


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